Selasa, 28 April 2015

Comment about Blended Learning

comment about Blended Learning:

Three words that are related to blended learning : teacher, classroom, annd technology. Blended learning is amazing to be applied in school nowadays. It combines between face to face and online learning. It will help the students to get acquainted with the modern media of learning. School should develop their environment to apply blended learning. It will lead to increase students’ engagement and academic success. Blended learning is also can motivate students to be independent.
The blended classroom is designed to meet the individual needs of student by allowing teachers to personalize instruction. This strategy can be used for any subject and any grade level.  Blended learning combines the learning in calssroom with computer. It allows students to work with teachers in school and have online resources at home.
Students work on projects at home, and in class. In class, they can ask the teacher for help, and continue on the project at home, with online materials for help. By having online materials available, students have access to support when out of the classroom. Students access some material at home and complete some work at home, while leaving more time during class to get into deeper context with the teachers.
Mr. Rudi apply the blended learning strategy in ICT class. He gives the materials through his blog and he gives the instruction. The students follow his instruction and do the activities. He advices his students to be smart in using the computer system.

Some techniques to apply blended learning are e-Learning, webinars, classroom, role play, coaching, OTJ, etc. It will be interesting because the students can browse the information from the online system. They will enjoy in learning process.


Selasa, 14 April 2015

The concept, application and potency, benefits, and E-learning opportunities in Indonesia.

The concept, application and potency, 

benefits, and E-learning opportunities 

in Indonesia. 

E-learning is a rapidly growing industry, the effects of which we can trace back to the 1980s and even well before that (in the form of distance learning and televised courses) – these will be discussed later in this ebook.

What Is the Purpose of E-learning?

The purpose of e-learning is to allow people to learn for personal accomplishment or to earn a professional degree, without physically attending a traditional university or academic setting. E-learning can be applied for all levels of schooling from grade school to graduate degrees, and is versatile enough to accommodate all learning styles.

There are the examples of E-learning:
Eduslide offers either a public learning content management system (LCMS) to create, upload and control access to e-learning content, or a download of the open source version.
Edmodo creating free online tools for the education community. The first one is a communications tool for Schools, Teachers, Students, and parents for use in classroom.
The KIDOZ browser is a protected environment made for young kids that enables children to surf sites ,watch videos and play games. The system blocks links, scripts and any other attempts that lead to sites and content which have not been approved, preventing them being viewed by the children.
Create, Store, and Print worksheets, studysheets, exams and quizzes online. Designed specifically for teachers, instructors, and homeschoolers.
MuchEnough is an online marketplace and meeting place for online instruction in any topic.

The Advantages of eLearning training includes:

More Flexible – eLearning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule.
Mobile – As eLearning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones – it is a very mobile method. 
No Travel– As just mentioned, eLearning can be done wherever you have a device capable of doing so.
Lower cost – As you aren’t using a trainer’s time or any room or equipment, eLearning tends to be the much cheaper option.
Tailor it to you – eLearning courses aren’t confined to be fixed to try and suit the needs of the majority.
Technological Possibilities – eLearning is fast becoming a more and more popular method and with it, so has the investment into how to improve it further. 
Global  With very few restrictions companies can be confident that their staff can receive the same content regardless of their location, and in many cases, their nationality.

The Disadvantages of eLearning Training includes:


Lack of Control– Learners with low motivation tend to fall behind when using eLearning as there are no set times to be doing it and they are responsible for the organisation themselves. 
Learning Approach  It doesn’t appeal to all learning styles so some learners will not enjoy the experience – especially strong activists and pragmatists.  
Isolated – A lot of questions are a lot easily answered when face to face with someone when you can guarantee an instant answer.
Technology Issues – With heavy reliance on computers that eLearning brings, comes the potential risks that comes with it.
Computer Competency – Some employees might not be too comfortable using computers, especially if their jobs don’t require them to. 

Indonesia Higher Education E-learning Management Strategy

E-learning is a learning technology is relatively new in Indonesia. Indonesia is located between 6 º and 11 º N latitude and 95 º to 141 º BT BT is the largest archipelagic country in the world that lies between two continents, Asia and Australia with the number of 17,000 islands that stretch more or less along the 3200 miles from east to west and 1100 miles of North to South. These geographical conditions more or less become an obstacle in the dissemination of education and training services using conventional methods (face to face) to all citizens.

E-learning Model-Based in Education

the Internet according to Onno W. Purbo (1998) at least, there are three things a positive impact in the educational use of the Internet are:
a) Learners can easily take courses anywhere in the world without borders or boundaries of institutions.
b) Learners can easily sit on the experts in the field of interest.
c) Lectures / study can easily be taken in various parts of the world without relying on the university / school where the students learn. In addition, the current library also present a more dynamic Internet and can be used in the entire universe.

The role of E-Learning in Educational Management Strategies

Basically the way of delivery or the way the provision (delivery system) of e-learning, can be classified into two, namely:
1. One way communication; and
2. Two way communication.
Communication or interaction between teachers and students are better two-way through the system. In the e-learning, two-way system can also be classified into two, namely:
1. Implemented through the direct (synchronous). This means that when the instructor gives lessons, students can directly listen; and
2. Conducted indirectly (a-synchronous). For example a message from the instructor recorded before use.

E-learning Policy in Higher Education Management Strategy

the public policy which covers all things revealed and done or not done by the government. Besides public policy are also the policies developed / produced by agencies and government officials (James E. Anderson, 1979:3). Understanding the implications of this view is that public policy:
a. For an act that led to goals rather than as behaviors or actions that happened;
b. Essentially consists of actions related to each other;
c. Concerned with what is actually done by the government in a particular field or even what the government is mean or do something or says to do something;
d. Can be positive, which means is some form of action (step) government on certain issues, and is negative, meaning a government decision to not do something;
e. Public policy, at least in a positive sense based or always premised on the rules / laws that are forced.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) may be defined as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning (Levy, 1997, p.1).

Roles of the Computer in language learning and teaching:
- computer as tutor for language drills or skill practice
- computer as a tool for writing, presenting, and researching
- computer as a medium of global communication
The advantages of CALL
Learner’s Factors
    • CALL can adapt to the learners' abilities and preferences.
    • CALL can adapt to the learners’ cognitive and learning styles.
    • CALL can adapt to the learner’s self-paced learning. CALL can be used for remedial work for slow learners and to accelerate learning for fast learners.
    • CALL offers individualized and private learning.
    • CALL, with branching capability, provides choices and paths for learning, allowing learners to work independently.
    • CALL allows learners to control their own learning process and progress.
Motivation and Attitudes
    • CALL provides strong motivation for learning. Students will often do on a computer what they are reluctant to do in a textbook or paper-pencil.
    • Some CALL features such as graphics, sounds, animation, video, audio are interesting and motivating for many learners.
    • CALL can improve learners’ attitudes towards learning English.
    • CALL (internet) provides authentic communication that motivates students to use language outside language classroom.
Feedback and Progress Record
    • CALL can provide immediate responsiveness and feedback.
    • CALL provides accurate records of the learner’s performance and progress.
Teacher’s Roles and the Relationship with the Learner
    • CALL can change the relationship between teacher and student.
    • The teacher becomes a facilitator rather than a person who controls the learning environment.
    • CALL is predictable and non-judgemental.
Mastery Learning
    • CALL provides opportunities for mastery-learning language skills.
    • CALL can lower the amount of time required to master some materials.
Co-operative Learning
    • CALL (e.g.simulation games) encourages learners to work cooperatively in problem solving.
    • CALL allows learners to learn cooperatively as a result of working together (such as group works, and discussion.)
    • CALL (e.g. games and puzzles) create information gaps which provide learners a need to communicate or interact with each other or with the program.
    • CALL (e.g. e-mail, chat, moos) promote direct communicative skills for the learners.
    • CALL (e.g. e-mail, chat, moos) provides authentic, real communication with native speakers of English outside the classroom.
Access to Information and Cultures
    • CALL (e.g. CD-ROM and the internet) can increase access to information to the learners.
    • CALL (CD-ROM and the internet) allow learners to acess to cultures around the world.
Learning Environment
    • CALL is a neutral medium. Compared to teachers, computers do not lose patience, get angry, or play favourites as some teachers do. This creates a safe learning environment.
    • CALL can provide an active and positive learning environment.
    • Integration of a variety of multimedia such as texts, graphics, sound, animation, and video, allowing for creating authentic meaningful language learning environments.
    • CALL (the internet) has no limitations regarding different time zones and places.
Cost Effectiveness
    • CALL is cost effective.

Traditional CALL

Traditional CALL programs presented a stimulus to which the learner had to provide a response.
Discrete error analysis and feedback were a common feature of traditional CALL, and the more sophisticated programs would attempt to analyse the learner's response, pinpoint errors, and branch to help and remedial activities.

Explorative CALL

More recent approaches to CALL have favoured a learner-centred, explorative approach rather than a teacher-centred, drill-based approach to CALL. The explorative approach is characterised by the use of concordance programs in the languages classroom - an approach described as Data-Driven Learning (DLL) by Tim Johns (Johns & King 1991).

Multimedia CALL

Early personal computers were incapable of presenting authentic recordings of the human voice and easily recognizable images, but this limitation was overcome by combining a personal computer and a 12-inch videodisc player, which made it possible to combine sound, photographic-quality still images and video recordings in imaginative presentations - in essence the earliest manifestation of multimedia CALL. 

Web-based CALL

In 1992 the World Wide Web was launched, reaching the general public in 1993. The Web offers enormous potential in language learning and teaching, but it has some way to go before it catches up with the interactivity and speed of access offered by CD-ROMs or DVDs, especially when accessing sound and video files.



On week 4, I learned more about Computer Assisted Language Learning. The roles of computer in language learning and teaching are important. The computer can be a tutor for language drills or skill practice. It can be a tool for writing, presenting, and researching. It also can be a medium of global communication. We should put the computer in our learning process to improve our education.