Selasa, 28 April 2015

Comment about Blended Learning

comment about Blended Learning:

Three words that are related to blended learning : teacher, classroom, annd technology. Blended learning is amazing to be applied in school nowadays. It combines between face to face and online learning. It will help the students to get acquainted with the modern media of learning. School should develop their environment to apply blended learning. It will lead to increase students’ engagement and academic success. Blended learning is also can motivate students to be independent.
The blended classroom is designed to meet the individual needs of student by allowing teachers to personalize instruction. This strategy can be used for any subject and any grade level.  Blended learning combines the learning in calssroom with computer. It allows students to work with teachers in school and have online resources at home.
Students work on projects at home, and in class. In class, they can ask the teacher for help, and continue on the project at home, with online materials for help. By having online materials available, students have access to support when out of the classroom. Students access some material at home and complete some work at home, while leaving more time during class to get into deeper context with the teachers.
Mr. Rudi apply the blended learning strategy in ICT class. He gives the materials through his blog and he gives the instruction. The students follow his instruction and do the activities. He advices his students to be smart in using the computer system.

Some techniques to apply blended learning are e-Learning, webinars, classroom, role play, coaching, OTJ, etc. It will be interesting because the students can browse the information from the online system. They will enjoy in learning process.


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